Science Denial: Sun Diving Ice Comets and Earth Weather

Sun Diving Ice Comets and Earth Weather.

Sun-Diving Comet and Solar Explosion – National Geographic …

I seem to have put together this article in 2010-2011 but it’s still relevant. I’ll try to add some up-to-date stuff.

The number of examples of large pieces of ice falling from the sky is so extensive and well documented that it is hardly worthwhile cataloguing them here. Such falls have been rationalised as falling from aircraft – something regularly denied by aviation authorities – weather anomalies for which there is no evidence, or even, ice scooped up by wind??? suggested by a professor, no less! (see below) The most simple and the only possible logical explanation has to be that they are intruders from space, as much of the following evidence seems to show. This solution is denied by science because it would involve a rethink about the formation of the Earth and its oceans and rethinking is not what science likes to do.

New Scientist: Comet caught throwing basketball-sized snowballs

This “for scholarly use only” is interesting: Acording to Al Harris of JPL if ice comets are a fact: “The oceans aren’t rising that fast, and certainly haven’t for a geologically significant length of time.” (See the last entry)

November 2010 by David Shiga
The idea of chunks of ice diving into the sun is not new and has often been observed by the SOHO spacecraft.

What seems to be new is the idea that these ice chunks can arrive in the vicinity of the Sun in large numbers but the likelihood of them also diving into the Earth’s atmosphere has been vehemently denied by the science community for many years. It seems that although it is perfectly OK for comets or chunks of comets to dive into the Sun and even leave evidence of their impacts on our Moon, they must never enter the Earth’s atmosphere! Evidence such as large lumps of ice dropping from the sky is waved away or rationalised as ice fallen from aircraft or unexplained weather anomalies. Such ice meteors were recorded in times well before the advent of aircraft, which these days have devices to prevent the formation of ice. When one considers the prodigious amount of water that has fell on Australia in 2010 and various floods in other parts of the world, the question must arise to all but the most insular of scientists; whence came all of that water?

2010 ends with a flurry of Sun Diving Comets.
Posted on January 17, 2011 by Donna
“Between December 13th and December 22nd, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) detected 25 comets diving into the sun. Sun diving comets, also known as sun-grazers are not new. SOHO typically sees one every few days, plunging inward and disintegrating as solar heat sublimes its volatile ices. But 25 comets in just ten days, was most unusual. The comets were 10-meter class objects, about the size of a room or a house, which as comets go is considered small.”

sun diving comet 2013
Comet from the outer solar system dove into the sun and disintegrated

Death Dive! Comet Plunges into the Sun at Mind-Blowing Speed A comet with a death wish met a truly fiery end today (Aug. 4) when it was destroyed by the sun after diving toward the star at a truly jaw-dropping speed. It is one of the brightest sungrazing comet events in over two decades, one scientist says.

Dark splashes in Earth’s outer atmosphere
“The Iowa group thinks that the holes or spots are created by meteors hitting the upper atmosphere because the spots follow the same time distribution as meteors. For example, they are more frequent during the well-known meteor showers. The theory is that the dark spots are formed when ice associated with the meteors is turned into water vapour, which reacts with the atmospheric oxygen producing the dayglow, in effect removing temporarily part of the light source. So far, everything seems relatively nonanomalous. But when quantities are calculated, jaws begin to drop. The sizes of the spots imply that the average meteor involved weighs 10 kilograms, mostly ice and far larger than has been thought. In fact, they may be characterized as small icy comets; that is, compositionally like the dirty snowballs that comets are now thought to be, but much, much smaller. The implication is that from 1,000 to 10,000 times more material is being added to the earth’s atmosphere than previously believed — most of it being water….”

What are the implications of possible effects that a larger than normal influx of ice comets, as we seem to be experiencing now, could have on the Earth’s weather paterns? I recall that water is a major greenhouse gas?

“Many scientists are having to eat humble pie this weekend, following the revelation that the Earth is constantly pelted by cosmic snowballs the size of houses. And not before time either, as these same scientists have spent a decade disparaging Dr Louis Frank of Iowa University for his refusal to bow to orthodoxy and deny the evidence of his own eyes.
That evidence first emerged in 1982, when a student of Dr. Frank’s was analysing images of the Earth sent back by two Nasa satellites. To the student’s frustration, many of the images were spoiled by tiny black dots. At first sight, they appeared to be faulty data, but careful study revealed that they behaved far too regularly to be dismissed as random flaws.
Instead, they appeared to be tiny comet-like objects that were striking the atmosphere at a rate of one every three seconds, each dumping tons of water on to the Earth.”
Read more at the link below:

(Weisburd, S.; “Atmospheric Footprints of Icy Meteors,” Science News, 128:391, 1985.)
“The director of the American Meteor Society suggested a cosmic origin, providing the ice were pure. An astronomy professor assured everyone that it couldn’t be cometary, because the sun would melt particles of ice in outer space. Instead, he opted for strong thunderstorm winds picking the ice up from “somewhere” and dropping it on Hartford! (Anonymous; “1,500-Pound Ice Chunk Falls from Sky,” Manchester (NH) Union Leader, June 27, 1985. Cr. B. Greenwood via L. Farish)”

Blue ice occurs when waste leaks from a plane’s bathroom onto the outside of the plane and freezes at high altitudes. The liquid begins to thaw as the plane descends,


“strong thunderstorm winds picking the ice up from “somewhere” and dropping it “somewhere”” says astronomy professor. I think education is wonderful!

Science does what it does best….denial
“‘Ice Comet’ To Blame For Crashing Through Roof Of Home?
“…Others, like renowned University of Denver astronomy professor Dr. Robert Stencel, believe it may have been a massive piece of hail known as megachryo meteorites. Stencel says it could be the product of large scale climate changes. He says high atmospheric convection could keep a chunk of ice above the clouds for a long period of time.
“We can probably rule out anything extraterrestrial. An icy body in space is moving fairly fast relative to Earth. And encountering our atmosphere — it would burn up much like meteorites do. So the chances of an ice ball reaching the ground, it would have to start out enormously huge — and we would see that coming on radar,” said Stencel.”


“We observed the 1998 and 1999 Leonid meteor shower with phased-array radar systems operating in the L-band from Israel. We discovered that the radar meteors exhibit a two-peaked height distribution. One population corresponds to that of the regular optical meteors and peaks at ~120 km. The newly discovered population forms a wide distribution centered at ~240 km with a long tail to high altitudes. We propose that this population consists essentially of H2O-ice bodies ejected from the nucleus of P55/Tempel-Tuttle comet along with the “regular” meteoroids. The high-velocity interaction between the fluffy-ice cometary chunks and the thermosphere ions causes sputtering and the subsequent disruption of the ice chunk, while producing the detected radar return. Supporting evidence for our finding is the newly-identified long tail of the meteor distribution at high altitudes, identified in intensified-video observations of the Leonids. The analogy with the water-ice mini-comets proposed by Frank and collaborators is emphasized and observational tests of the suggestion of H2O-ice meteoroids are proposed.”

“Dr. Brosch et. al., in their just-published paper, briefly describe their work using Israeli military radar. The system used phased-array installations operating in the L-band (~1 GHz). A single active phased-array was used in 1998, and two were used in 1999.
As soon as Dr. Brosch and his team gave a brief summary of their results at the 1999 Leonids MAC Workshop, the results were strongly disputed. A summary of the reasons for this dispute can be found on the SKiYMET notes page. (Be sure to follow the links there to the various SKiYMET radar pages to learn more about their system, however).
Because the radar used for the experiments was Israeli military radar, no details about it could be given. Thus it seems impossible to be sure exactly how the data was obtained.”

“Dr. Brosch, in his article, says that all of the objections have been studied and none are valid – that they have ruled out range-doubling, artifacts caused by sidelobe reception, etc. And to the fact that no other radar detected meteors at the ~240 km height, it is admitted by Wayne Hocking of Mardoc Inc, operators of the SKiYMET radar system, that their system (and probably most others) were not looking for these super-high meteors and, in fact, most of the radar systems were incapable of detecting them. There were also a few visual reports, using intensified cameras aboard the MAC aircraft, of high-burning Leonid meteors, I believe; but not nearly as many as seeming found by the Israeli team.”

“So why did the Leonids storms produce returns at this height while other showers have not? His theory, as I understand it, is that the Leonid meteoroids contain a large amount of water ice. This water ice is physically sputtered off the particle by collisions with the atoms and molecules in the high atmosphere. (The ablation that produces the trains we are used to can occur only lower in the atmosphere). This ice can survive only a very few perihelion passages. Thus, we need several things to make this happen: a comet that contains a large amount of water ice; an orbit that allows the ejected particles to be concentrated into discrete dust trails by a resonance with one of the major planets; and the earth must cross one of these dust trails while it is still relatively young in terms of perihelion passages. Dr Brosch and his team propose several experiments these next two years to search for the presence of this water.”

“There is one strange bit of evidence missing. Using backscatter-radar at an L-band frequency, it would appear that these ~240 km meteors would have produced enough ionization to have enabled some very long-distance MS contacts. In fact, Dr. Brosch recently requested information on this. A message was placed on one of the primary MS reflectors used heavily by the Europeans, with the request to relay it on, asking about contacts or reception reports over extra-long distances during the Leonids storms. There were no replies. A search was made of the E-mail reports posted following the 1998 and 1999 Leonid showers, and again no reports of this type were found. With the concentration of stations available in Europe, the apparent number of good operators actually on during the peak times, and the fact that many are very well equipped, this seems very curious.”

“The formal publication of this article (delayed because of clearance problems, apparently) will no doubt stir up yet more controversy. The theory seems plausible. Much hinges, however, on the actual collection of the data – information which they will not be allowed to share.
The 2001 and 2002 Leonid showers are predicted to bring storms to some part(s) of the world (though this is not as certain as had been though just a short time ago). No doubt every VHF operator who can possibly operate will be on the air at those times. Dr. Brosch has requested data on any contacts or reception reports from the previous years beyond the normal maximum range. No doubt he would like information on any made during the showers of 2001 and 2002. If you work (or hear) anyone greater than ~5700 km, please report it. And report all details. If this ~240 km ionization is real, what other group than the Amateur Radio VHF MS operators is better able to study and exploit it?”

Water on the Moon
Although scientists admit that there is water on the Moon they insist that it is billions of years old: “Water on the Moon came in large part from comets which bombarded the lunar surface in its infancy, a study published on Sunday suggests.” (When in doubt add a few billion years)

watermoon“Significant water found on Moon”
But, it’s no secret that water was detected over several hour periods during the Apollo Missions without the need to crash a spacecraft into a crater:
“In March 1971, both the Apollo 12 and Apollo 14 instruments, which were 125 miles apart, detected a large increase in the ion flux from the water vapor category. Freeman said it lasted, sporadically, for about 14 hours.”
This is somewhat played-down by NASA. It seems that any explanation will do, as long as it does not involve admitting the possibility of ice meteoroids:

Looking for water by crashing a spacecraft into a crater is a diversion to support the theory that the postulated ice is billions of years old. The Apollo ice (above) was detected with no such dramatisation and the fact that the detection was a chance event suggests that water vapour clouds are common on the lunar surface:

“The mission ended on July 31, 1999 at 9:52:02 UT (5:52:02 EDT) when Lunar Prospector was deliberately targeted to impact in a permanently shadowed area of the Shoemaker crater near the lunar south pole. It was hoped that the impact would liberate water vapor from the suspected ice deposits in the crater and that the plume would be detectable from Earth; however, no such plume was observed.”

Water found in Monahans meteorite
Scientists have made the first discovery of liquid water in a meteorite. LoL

See also:

Not even a hint that they may have fallen from space at Wiki:

More as it becomes available.