Large Hadron Collider

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Just like all the particle accelerators that preceded it the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a development of the cathode ray tube. The cathode ray tube was originally developed by William Crookes, an amateur physicist and occultist, he was building on the ideas of another amateur physicist named Michael Faraday. Television History 1: Cathode Ray Tube Not long after Crookes achievements the cathode ray tube was seconded by physicist J.J Thomson who used it to invent the electron and particle physics. Electron Jolt 1 Particles support the idealistic materialism of physicists as they are much more accessible than waves. It’s much easier to imagine billiard balls than waves and so the hugely successful wave theories of the previous generations of researchers had to go and make way for the, as it turned out, largely technologically unsuccessful billiard balls. It eventually became obvious that these so called particles were in fact waves and so physicists agreed on a dual role compromise, a particle/wave nature for particles. As things turned out science decided to stick to the particle – billiard ball and accelerator path and developed ever lager accelerators culminating with the LHC.

The problem with the, at the time, New Physics was the lack of any new technology arising from the new theories, something that persists to this day, something discussed at length in these pages. And after searching the Internet, I found an article that addresses this very subject at the The reporter looks to physicists for answers to my question about the lack of justifying technology:

The world’s largest particle accelerator just broke another world record — here’s why it actually matters by reporter Kelly Dickerson on May 29, 2015, 6:28 PM 552 : Question: What do we gain from doing this, other than awesome-looking data patterns and maybe proving some wild physics theories ?
During a Reddit AMA with several LHC physicists, Reddit user FantastiqueDutchie asked exactly that: Explain to me like I am five: why are you doing this and what makes it important? What could we/you do with this data in the future?

The physicists gave some fantastic answers. (Well not really!)
1. Practical, life-saving applications: Federico Ronchetti who works on the ALICE experiment in the LHC said the research has already yielded practical applications, and higher energies could mean even more insights, and eventually, applications of that knowledge.
[The “could mean” in the sentence above is a dead giveaway, a phrase seen weekly in the scientific press. It’s a promissory note, an IOU technology, that MAY materialise at some undefined point in the future. What it actually says is that there are no applications.]
Ronchetti continues: Technology found in particle accelerators is already used for certain types of cancer surgery, and CERN gave birth to the world wide web because scientists needed a way to share the massive amount of data they were collecting with each other.

[Weeeell we have already been through this: These technologies were not as a result of CERN or anyone at CERN. Cancer treatments using radiation date back a hundred years and were used before anyone had ever thought of CERN. The WWW is an old chestnut and it certainly is not the child of CERN. Berners Lee was not working there as a physicist or any kind of scientist, he was a software salesman. As he himself freely admits, the ideas for the WWW were already in place before he ever got to CERN. In fact most of it was in place when he was ten years old. He had to hire Nicola Pellow to do his programming because the original WWW did not work and was deleted.] Science and the Computer: Part 2 Tim Berners-Lee (TimBL)

2. More practical, life-saving applications: Claire Lee, who works on the ATLAS experiment, pointed out a few more examples from the past in her answer: When Einstein developed his theory of General Relativity, he just wanted to explain the way gravity worked. Now, your GPS locator in your smartphone uses these exact GR equations to remain accurate. [This is also untrue as the GPS does not use GR or any other kind of relativity. The clocks are set fast at the launch and thereafter appear to function perfectly without Einstein moving the fingers. For those with short memories, physicists back in the day said GPS would not work because of GR and when it worked they said it was working because of GR.]
Claire Lee continues: Most particle accelerators are actually found in hospitals, in MRI machines, helping with diagnostic medicine.

MRI machines are not particle accelerators. We have Raymond Damadian and Wiki: “The first medical application of NMR came in 1971 when Raymond Damadian discovered that some tumours in mice showed raised relaxation times when compared to normal tissues in vitro. This was a ground breaking discovery that would lead to the exciting new way of imaging the human body. The tissues with disease would show up starkly different from healthy ones; an accomplishment that X­ray and ultrasound technology could not achieve.”

But much erlier we have Joseph Larmor, NMR and the Aether Theory.
Theoretically, MRI can be traced back to Sir Joseph Larmor 1857 -1942, who’s most influential work was ‘Aether and Matter’, a now academically debunked physics book published in 1900. MRI is yet another example of ether theory technology, pre-relativity, pre 1930’s, revisited and used in today’s technology. We turn to Wiki: “Larmor proposed that the aether could be represented as a homogeneous fluid medium which was perfectly incompressible and elastic. Larmor believed the aether was separate from matter. He united Lord Kelvin’s model of spinning gyrostats (e.g., vortexes) with this own theory.” 1 Just as did many other scientists of the day. “Larmor, an Irish physicist, the first to calculate the rate at which energy is radiated by an accelerated electron, and the first to explain the splitting of spectrum lines by a magnetic field. His theories were based on the belief that matter consists entirely of electric particles moving in the ether.” 2 His work is the foundation on which stands NMR, that became MRI.
So many technological discoveries have their origin during the time when the old ether theory was dominant that one wonders why it was rejected and why it is not revived for the sake of modern technological progress? The answer is that it’s rich vein of ideas are accessed by the back door.
Claire Lee continues: The web was developed right here at CERN to help scientists transmit important pieces of information to each other and aid in data analysis. Hello!:) The Grid, which is a network of high performance computers we use to analyse the vast amounts of data we get from our experiments, is also used in other fields (such as breast cancer image processing, I think)
[It may be used but again it was not invented at CERN.]

3. Simple curiosity
Beate Heinemann who works with the ATLAS experiment said a big motivation for physicists at the LHC is that they’re simply curious. “We see the Universe and particle physicists want to understand what it is made of and how it came to be,” Heinemann wrote. “Whether this is useful or not we don’t know as we don’t know what we will find.” Higher energy collisions could reveal a whole host of new particles that we’ve never observed before, and completely change how we understand the world around us.
[No particle discovery and this includes the electron, has ever lead to a useful technology that can be found in the shops today and that includes the electron. Most of the electrical technology we use today was discovered during the reign of the debunked aether theory more than a hundred years ago. Those who think electronics started with the electron should do a little research. The electron could not have been discovered without a sound knowledge of electronics] Electron Jolt 1
If the dear reader takes a look at Wiki “Electron” they will find that the electron does not move whilst an electric current is flowing. Electron

4. Advancing the human race
Steve Goldfarb who works with ATLAS had a very practical reason for why the LHC is important. “Over time, we have found that, every time we learn something new about nature, the information is used by our children or their children to help them survive,” Goldfarb wrote. Everything we have today that allows humans flourish, including farming, electricity, worldwide communication, all started with basic research.
[The problem with this is that the basic research was not done by academic scientists] “We do not know exactly what our discoveries and measurements will lead to,” Goldfarb wrote. “It is too soon to say. But, we do know they will contribute significantly to our understanding of our world. And, as human being, we have no choice but to pursue them. It is a question of survival.”
As for how you’d explain the LHC to an actual 5-year-old? Lee joked that she had an answer for that one too. She made up a parody of a song in Disney’s “Frozen.” It’s meant to be sung to the tune of “Do you want to build a snowman?”
Thanks to: Why is the LHC important

It becomes quite obvious that physicists know nothing of the history of science and technology. These are the people who tell us, the public, that we need more education in science while they are failing to grasp a modicum of science/technology history. Heaven forbid that they are lying or are they just ignorant of basic facts? And remember, these are physicists, the cream of the scientific crop. How much worse can it get? Why does a scientific organisation like CERN need to lie about its achievements? Can it be that there are no achievements that benefit anyone who is not a physicist. Are the lies about funding and keeping their jobs?

The Higgs Field
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